Five Ultimate’s Five Bamboo (Video)

by | January 12, 2011, 9:00am 0

More about Five Bamboo

Five siblings, Zahlen, Xtehn, Vehro, Rohre and Qxhna, founded Five Ultimate in 2006. Within just 3 years, they have progressed from a garage based startup to a small company with 7 full time employees, a comfortable office in Seattle and possibly the most popular Ultimate brand in the world.

Their experience at Five Ultimate has led the siblings from strictly producing athletic apparel to a new venture; casual apparel. With an understood the environmental impact of cotton production and processing, the five went looking for an alternative. They stumbled upon bamboo, which they tout as a renewable resource with minimal impact on the environment.

Five Bamboo was founded in 2008 and launched their first products, boxer shorts which they call “bamboxers”, and bamboo shirts. Not long after they started using the lyocell process (a process through which 98% of the main chemical used in production is recovered and can then be reused). In 2010, Five Bamboo started to kick forward by developing new products under their Nomo Clean Bamboo™ fiber brand.

Five Bamboo has a wealth of information on their website about why Bamboo is a sustainable choice for the future. Check them out at

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