Throw Your Fire…

by | May 9, 2012, 4:00am 0

…before it’s too late.  Seriously.

I know I really should be talking about seeding at Nationals or how Fugue is preparing or who I think is going to win Open or how to game plan for Boulder, but instead I want to help you with something much more important.  All you impulsive people probably don’t need to read this because you’ve already thrown yours and all you cautious people will likely just ignore what I have to say, but if I can convince just one cautious ultimate player to throw their Fire I’ll have made the world a better place.

Don’t even start with that: “I’m saving it for something important” business.  You only get the one Fire, so whenever you choose to throw it, it is a Once In A Lifetime Experience.  By definition, whatever you throw your Fire on is important just because you used your Fire on it.  The other reason to throw it soon is that it has more value now than it will in ten or fifteen or twenty years.  As soon as you retire from ultimate, your Fire depreciates exponentially.  If you have the bad luck to marry a non-frisbee player your Fire instantly has zero value.  The person who hit the timing on this one the best has to be non-frisbee playing Carleton alum Chad Boger.  He threw his to make an irritating, egotistical alumni bow down to him.  How much worth would his Fire have now that he is a Minneapolis dentist?

So what did I throw mine for?  To get CUT alum Josh Quaas to play this golf hole instead of going to do his chemistry homework.  Worth it.


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