Jen Pashley started playing ultimate at a small college in upstate New York and spent three years on the East Coast playing for various Mixed club teams before moving to Tucson, Arizona. There she played two years with the University of Arizona’s Scorch and assisted coaching in 2010 and 2012, played three club seasons and attended Club Nationals with Barrio, captaining in 2009, and founded and captained Venom, the Arizona women’s club team in 2011. Although she’s a resident of Yosemite, she’s currently training and living in Tucson.

Two Months and a Yoga Mat

by March 10, 2014, 5:41am 0

Should yoga be part of your pre-tryouts training? Jen certainly thinks so.

Down the Nutritional Rabbit Hole

by March 3, 2014, 12:21pm 0

You are what you eat, so if you want to make Fury, you'd best be munching on the good stuff.

The Breathing Games

by February 24, 2014, 4:04am 0

Balancing tension and relaxation comes down to the way you breathe. Jen Pashley shares her experiences breathing on the field in the latest Making Fury.

The Call of the Warm Up

by February 17, 2014, 7:13am 0

How can you make any team-- let alone Fury-- if you don't take care of your body?

Fury From The Ground Up

by February 10, 2014, 5:48am 0

Jen Pashley's first installation in her quest to earn a spot on one of the world's best teams.