Listen to the Story (46:58)
Based out of Houston, Texas, 2010 saw the first year of a revolution in club Ultimate organization in the form of Space City Ultimate (SCU). What’s unique about Space City Ultimate, is that it isn’t a team, it is a club of many teams, organized to create a career path for emerging players to reach an elite level. As the season moves forward top players are promoted from each team to the next highest team while struggling players are reassigned with specific development goals. How many people are working within this system? At 88 players on four teams, SCU is the largest club Ultimate organization on the planet.
What’s more, while many club teams have a few players who handle all logistics, SCU requires that all players play a role in the organization of the club. Hotels? They’ve got people for that. Tournament bids? They’ve got people for that. Recruiting talent from out of state and helping them secure jobs? Yup, they’ve got people for that too.
In this SkydCast (our version of a podcast), we talk with a founder and president of Space City Ultimate, Sean McCall – also a founding member of Austin’s Doublewide and 5 year vet of the Houston Houndz.

Photos by Matt Riggs
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