Imagine yourself looking this good. Go ahead compliment yourself. "Your pecs look great in that yellow Breakmark pinnie." "Alright, me. Thanks."
School is back in session and the college season kicks off with throws on the quad, the impact and bruises from those first bids of the season, those new-comers clamoring for a shot at A-team. It’s Ultimate season alright. That’s why Skyd has partnered with Breakmark to give you an awesome opportunity to outfit your fall season squad with some tight custom reversibles. Nothing says “suns out, guns out” and “I’m far too casual for a jersey” like a 2-sided, mesh pinnie. These pinnies aren’t just athletically cut for bids, Callahans, and layouts through time, they’re made of 100% athletic ground-beef (note: these are not actually meat reversibles).
About now you’re thinking, “Okay, I’m convinced that I’m barely worthy of wearing one of these, but I want one. How do I get these for my team?” You’re in luck. Because I’m about to tell you.
How To Win:
Step 1: Create a short video that tells the story of your team. What’s something unique about your team? What’s a team ritual? What are your favorite team cheers? What’s the history of your team? Creative counts.
Step 2: Upload said video to YouTube and send the link, your team name, your name and contact info to breakmarkcontest@skydmagazine.com. Deadline for entries is October 3rd.
Step 3: Based on how many entries we receive, Skyd and Breakmark will pick a selection of finalists in each division (Open and Women’s) and announce them on Skyd.
Step 4: Head over to the Skyd Facebook page to vote for your favorite team in each division. The Open and Women’s team with the most votes wins 20 custom Breakmark reversibles for their team. Skyd will also award one WILDCARD to our favorite submission. That Wildcard will receive team Trucker Hats for the win.
Go go gadget reversible.
US teams only (sorry)
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