Teams to Watch at Centex and Southerns

by | March 18, 2011, 3:06pm 0

In addition to Easterns, Centex and Southerns are also taking place this weekend. While Easterns has drawn the top teams, Centex and Southerns both have nationals contenders in attendance, and both tournaments will be important in terms of regional strength bids.

Centex has UBC, Colorado College, Texas, Washington, Cal State Long Beach, Illinois, Dartmouth, Kansas, and Kansas State all in attendance. While UBC should have a relatively easy tournament, the match-ups between the remaining teams will be fun to keep an eye on, and very important for bids to Nationals.

According to the most recent USAU Rankings, complete with current wildcard allocations, Washington and Colorado College are both holding down third bids for their regions, so it is important for both teams to perform well at Centex. If CSULB and Illinois can break seed the bid allocations come regionals could look very different than it does now. Also, if both Kansas and Kansas State perform well, the South Central region could easily secure a regional strength bid.

More is forthcoming on Southerns, as of now the Score Reporter seems down so it’s hard for me to look at the match-ups.

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