Skyd Power Rankings: Club Open (09/08/11)

by | September 8, 2011, 5:00am 0

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Talking Points:

Chain Frightning

Finally, a dent in Revolver’s armor dealt by Chain with an impressive 14-11 pool play victory at Labor Day. Revolver then comes back to break Chain into pieces in a 15-6 finals win. Chain also lost a decisive match against Furious 14-15 in pool play on Saturday. While putting Chain above Ironside is tempting, based on the evidence and the crushing final, Chain must sit in the 3-spot  just hovering over Sockeye.

Furious George is pissed for some reason

Coming off their Canadian Championship win, the monkey is confident and testing their opponents. With wins over Doublewide and Chain and only one loss to Revolver at Labor Day, Furious is helping to make the NW really interesting this year.

Rhino Slam

The horn is back with vengeance. Rostered in full with Cody Bjorklund and Eli Friedman back in action, Seth Wiggins led his team to new heights this season in a universe point victory over Sockeye to make semis. Rhino is still one big victory away from being a major player. Unfortunately for Sockeye and Furious, a 2-bid Regional is just around the corner.


Texas got their first taste of major competition this season and fell pretty flat. The lack of Kurt Gibson on the field may have made the difference, but at the moment Doublewide’s Colorado Cup performance is the only thing holding them up.

Think we’re right, wrong, or full of horsefeathers?  Give us your top 10 in the comments below.

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