In the Ultimate Community, I feel old. I’ve played countless tournaments, listened to countless conversations on every topic rehashed over and over, and I feel almost jaded at times. But, recently something occurred that brought me back to that moment where Ultimate should be, that utter exuberance for the game, the wonder that accompanies throwing your forehand flat for the first time, or the lightbulb when you understand zone defense, or that wide-eyed shock of going to your first tournament and seeing the utter craziness that is our sport. An opportunity has presented itself.
That opportunity is the ability to help a group of girls experience this sense of wonder which has recently been cruelly snatched away from them by a random huckster who sold them fake plane tickets. Their story is here. The issue is simple. I believe it is worthwhile to give something – anything, $5, $10, $20, whatever you’d like to give – to help this group of girls from the Mexican National team experience the unique joy of an amazing experience of the game we all know and love. For them, it is expanding their world of ultimate outside of Mexico to the World Championships, the likes of which the majority of the players have never seen before. It would be an amazing experience, and they are about to lose that without our help.
All of this struck a chord with me because many, if not most, of the best experiences in my life have come from ultimate, and I can vividly imagine the utter anguish I would feel losing any of these experiences and memories, simply because I was randomly defrauded and could no longer afford to go.
So, this is my personal plea to the Ultimate Community. We love debating over RSD about refs, being snarky, arguing about seedings or algorithms or who would be the best pro athlete to play ultimate. But it’s all in the name of this game that, at one point, we were all just learning and loving and chasing after being great, just like these girls. This is a chance to show that we can remember that passion and support it with a few measly dollars, which are not measly to them at all.
They need $9,000. A $10 donation from the readership of this website alone would get them there.
Help this team, and let them be your Worlds team, knowing that you personally helped them have this wonderful opportunity, and vicariously re-experience that sense of wonder that only ultimate can give. I know I’ll be watching their progress at Worlds diligently when they get there (because I have faith that you will help them get there), and cheering for them the entire time.
Donate here. Thanks for reading.

Photos courtesy Nicky Smith and Team Mexico
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