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Our changes this week are pretty straightforward. Kudos to Traffic. Their semis finish and other strong wins at Labor Day move them up on the list.
Additionally, Showdown showed up in semis of Labor Day, finishing ahead of a Molly Brown team that had spent the season above them in the USAU rankings (though they beat Molly Brown at the US Open). A 13-15 loss to Fury is notable as well, but it hardly serves to explain the 5-15 Riot loss. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt assuming they needed their first game to warm up. Still, needing that warm up game isn’t going to get you into quarters at the Club Championships, so I’ve got them at 9.
Tough luck for Bent? The NE is a bit nasty with only 2 bids for three strong teams. Remember, Capitals have yet to play a sanctioned tournament and are unranked, and Brute Squad is the regional powerhouse. This could be disastrous for Bent, who snagged a bid for the region but might end up losing it to an unknown opponent. This eventual Regionals matchup wins the Most Exciting Regionals Game award, so keep an eye out.
Tournaments we are looking forward to:
Fusion: As it gets closer, we’re getting more and more excited to see how this plays out. A round robin of 6 of the best teams in the midst of the series? Yes, please! Check out more on the Without Limits page: http://withoutlimitsultimate.com/projects/fusion/.
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