Thursday Dumps: Hammer!, Tron Vest, Brodie

by | April 25, 2013, 11:00am 0

  • Today’s edition of Dumps will start much like a beginner’s first hammer throw: indoors. But this clip from Indoor Nationals isn’t about the hammer being thrown, it’s about the amazing catch that made the hammer look oh-so pretty.
  • Safety first! Since the introduction of the Flashflight disc, night-time ultimate has been a recreational activity for (daytime) ultimate players and non-ultimate players, alike. If you’re one of these nocturnal Neds or Nancys, make sure you’re as safe as possible with this sweet LED Tron-inspired vest on Kickstarter.
  • Love, love, love seeing ultimate coverage on local news programs. The most recent example illustrating tactics, strategy, and camaraderie comes to us from Montana and features the University of Montana’s college open team, Bear Fight.
  • Speaking of local coverage, a guy by the name of Brodie Smith knows how to get it. The latest edition coming from a well-worded article from the Chicago-based sports blog, ChicagoSide.

Got a minute? Got a second? Got a minute and a second? Then use it wisely by watching an amazing layout grab under pressure from the University of South Florda Scallywags’ captain Jesse “Roman” Goldsmith.

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