Wednesday Dumps: DGP Footage, Driscoll Interview, Mizzou Layout

by | June 5, 2013, 9:13am 0

  • The double game point thriller between Oregon Ego and Colorado Mamabird started off the 2013 College Championships in the most exciting fashion conceivable. Relive the high-flying, star-studded, back-and-forth action in full, thanks to Ultiworld’s new “pay what you want” video streaming.
  • Texas Tuff’s Will Driscoll has become a dominant force in the college ultimate scene. In this most recent NexGen interview, Driscoll talks college learning curves, trying out for Doublewide, and the commitment it takes to play both college and club at the same time.
  • Oh, college. The complete disregard for bodily harm on the field never ceases to send us old-timers into blissful reminiscence. It also never ceases to produce amazing feats of athleticism.

Today’s video comes to us from our neighbors to the north. It’s finally getting warm enough in Canada to play some outdoor tournaments (including the final Gender Blender ever last weekend, sad face). It’s obvious these guys were truly ready to play outdoors. Exhibit eh (A): Textbook layout greatest to wolf-pack sky!

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