[youtube id="Anp1RXeI9XE" caption="Skyd Fund 2015"]

SkydFund 2015 is live!

by | November 4, 2014, 12:58pm 0

Support Skyd 2015 Today!

Skyd is an organization run on the support of the ultimate community. Without your support, Skyd will not be able to generate any articles from our celebrated columnists, stream games or produce beautiful films. We’re really excited about our plans for 2015 and we think that you will be too!

We’re asking the worldwide ultimate community to help us make 2015 a reality for Skyd Magazine. Plus there is a ton of awesome gear available from companies like Five Ultimate when you contribute.

The Impact

SkydFund jackets are available to contributors!

SkydFund jackets are available to contributors!

For the last 4 years, Skyd has been a mainstay of the ultimate community, providing everything from livestreaming championship events to columns from experienced ultimate coaches, players and minds. In 2015, we’re hoping to keep pushing Skyd to the next level by solidifying our focus on the world’s best columnists, producing the world’s best videos and continuing to provide an outlet for contributors from all over the world to tell their stories.

But we need your help! Skyd is run primarily on the support of the ultimate community. Fundraisers like this one allow Skyd to set our budget for all of our programming and administration. Without it we simply can’t make Skyd happen. So we’re asking you, our readers, to support another year of awesome content from Skyd. We’ve worked hard to put together fantastic programming for 2015, and we think you’ll agree that it’s worth supporting the campaign!

Where Does The Money Go?

Skyd is raising $32,000 to cover the costs of 2015 columnists, films, staff and general administration.

Why $32,000?

Skyd is asking for $32,000 this year so we can create more content and achieve long term sustainability. While $32k is still a fraction of the annual operating budget needed to run Skyd as a fully sustainable business, we’re asking for your help to get closer to that realistic budget to maintain Skyd’s continued contribution to the ultimate community.

What Happens If Skyd Doesn’t Make Its Goal?

If Skyd doesn’t reach its goal of $32,000, we don’t get any of the funding. That means, no one gets any sweet rewards, there would be no new Skyd columns, no new Skyd videos and no 2015 Skyd programming.

Support Skyd 2015 Today!

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