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Flatball Radio | What’s Your Most Embarrassing Moment?

by | May 11, 2015, 10:23am 0

At the first meeting with the Flatball storytellers, I asked them to come up with a few different ideas to pitch the group. 20 years of playing gives someone like Dom Fontenette an endless array of stories to chose from. The story she chose, “Arker,” was definitely the right choice for the show, but she also had another, more light hearted story up her sleeve.

Flatball Radio is heavily workshopped. We spend a great deal of time crafting stories, soliciting feedback and polishing the narrative. Those stories and that ethic needs a balance in a live show. If each piece is heavily planned, the energy will get lost somewhere. We didn’t have it in the program, but I knew the show needed a way to showcase some of those goofball stories in a more informal way. So I came up with the idea for a “Halftime Show.”

Just a couple storytellers chatting with Tyler Kinley, the MC, recalling their most embarrassing moment on the ultimate field, The Halftime Show provides that spontaneity. It allowed the crowd to experience something different and press the reset button before hearing the second half of stories.

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