Jackson Dolan
September 8, 2014, 12:10pm
Summaries of Keith Raynor, Opi Payne, Ren Caldwell, and Owen Shepherd's talks at the Ultimate Results Coaching Academy, which range from coaching defense to managing the tryout process.
Jackson Dolan
August 25, 2014, 10:12am
Summaries of Sion Scone, Mario O'Brien, Josh Hartzog, and Tim Morrill's presentations at the Ultimate Results Coaching Academy, which range from drill creation to season planning to cutting practice.
Jackson Dolan
August 20, 2014, 4:53am
Summaries of Lou Burruss, Melissa Witmer, Tiina Booth, and Ben Wiggins' presentations at the Ultimate Results Coaching Academy, which range from team continuity after graduation to playing zone.
Jackson takes a long look at States in his last blog post of the season. Saying goodbye isn't easy when you spend more time with the team you coach than you do with your friends.
AP exams rule all as Jackson's team readies for States.
As his team gets closer to States, Jackson explains a throwing drill that gives kids a feel for how big a margin for error they're working with.
When the conditions aren't fun or your team's energy is low, somebody's gotta step up. Who's your team's I Got This?
Jackson thinks tournaments should be a thing of the past for young ultimate players. Find out why in this week's 175 Grams.
Teaching kids the rules and how to apply them on the field is tough business. This week's 175 Grams includes a look at how to do it, along with recaps of Varsity and JV's recent games and bear talk.
Jackson on teaching zone to his JV team, stepping up to beat a rival, and just about the cutest little prom story we've ever heard.