As an active USA Ultimate National College Director and founder of Aero Ultimate, Ken is best known for his expertise in college team startups and the meaning behind Ultimate's culture, systems, and future. He began his journey starting Kettering University's Ultimate Team, obtaining annual funding of $18,000, and now continues to mentor many other teams towards the same goal. Ken is a natural problem solver and is dedicating his abilities to young leaders, teams and the future of Ultimate.
Ken Kaminski
November 12, 2014, 7:00am
After years of experience exhibiting the SkyLight, Aero Ultimate founder Ken Kaminski has a few tips for players looking to win air battles.
Ken Kaminski
September 24, 2014, 9:58am
Emily and Ken wrap up their series on starting a college ultimate team with tips on working with sports administrations and dotting the i's of rostering.
Ken Kaminski
September 16, 2014, 5:15am
In the fourth part of our series on starting a college team, Ken Kaminski and Emily Clarke look at some general tips for talking about training to new teams.
Ken Kaminski
September 9, 2014, 1:08pm
In part three of our series on starting a college team, Ken and Emily suggest ways to create and foster team culture.
Ken Kaminski
September 2, 2014, 11:00am
In Part 2 of the series on starting a college team, Ken and Emily go over the important aspects of growing a new team.
Ken Kaminski
August 25, 2014, 2:17pm
Skyd is proud to present a 5-part series on building a college team. Part 1 covers the first steps in starting a new team.