Ren Caldwell is a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and an FMS-certified professional, focusing primarily on working with athletes (especially ultimate frisbee players) and people coming back from injuries. She has had the pleasure of doing strength and conditioning work with several elite teams - Seattle Rainmakers, Seattle Sockeye, and Seattle Riot - and is currently working with both University of Washington teams and several Seattle youth programs.

Want to Be More Explosive? Know Your Five Pillars!

by February 13, 2015, 9:22am 0

You need to be solid in five key areas to maximize how explosive you are. Ren's got the list, along with ways to test and exercises for getting better.

Troubleshooting for Power Performance

by January 8, 2015, 8:27am 0

Are you struggling to translate your gym strength to the field? Do your joints hurt after a plyo work? Too much pressure on your knees when you squat? Ren Caldwell is here to help!

Growing Up Strong – Girls and FPT

by November 13, 2014, 10:36am 0

Ren advocates strength training for women and girls and examines inequality in the weightroom.

Talkin’ About Tractice

by October 9, 2014, 5:30am 0

Ren hits hard with a definitive guide to the what, why, and how of running track practice... which, it turns out, doesn't always have much to do with an actual track.

Creating an Athletically Competitive College Team

by September 25, 2014, 9:57am 0

Managing a college team is tough, especially if you're determined to integrate training into your process rather than making it a side conversation (which you should be). Ren's here to help!

WUCC: A Seattle Trainer’s Perspective

by August 21, 2014, 3:56am 0

Ren looks at Worlds-- the unique format, the scheduling and weather challenges, the level of play-- through a trainer's eye.

Get Low: Defensive Stance and Drills

by July 17, 2014, 5:12am 0

Staying low and using your glutes to power you will make you faster and help prevent injury. Ren defines a proper stance and offers drills for practicing it in this week's Training Blog.

A Player’s Guide to Pain

by June 19, 2014, 4:33am 0

When you're in pain, do you play through it or take a breather? Knowing about different kinds of pain and the kinds of care you can administer to yourself will help you make the call.

Reactive Core Training: No More &%$# Crunches

by May 15, 2014, 5:32am 0

Ren explains reactive core training in this week's blog. Oh, you know, just training your core to move and support you in ways that will pay off on the field.

What Are You Training For?

by April 17, 2014, 5:32am 0

Faster how? Your first three steps? Top-end speed? Ren on how getting specific will yield better training results.