Wednesday Dumps: Golden Keg, Machine Brainpower, and TCT Pick’em.

by July 2, 2014, 9:02am 0

If you were looking for another mixed international tournament to add to your bucket list, look no further. The Golden Keg is coming– an inaugural tournament in Dublin, Ireland, with…

Tuesday Dumps: USABEL Bets, Freedom Poems, and Ultimate Peace

by July 1, 2014, 7:33am 0

The US Men are playing Belgium today in the first stage of World Cup bracket play, and ultimate is getting in on the fun. Head over to the Get Horizontal…

Monday Dumps: Wall Street Journal, US U19, and Sports Psychology

by June 30, 2014, 8:45am 0

The Wall Street Journal talks Pro-Ultimate in New York, as well as mentioning new developments for Olympic recognition. Are you following the US U19 teams yet? Their twitter feeds are…

Friday Dumps: B-Teams, MLU MVP, and Mamabird Highlights

by June 27, 2014, 9:59am 0

What makes an effective B-Team? How do you start an effective B-team? r/ultimate answers one college players questions with some solid advice. Check out the MLU MVP Watch List. Think anyone’s missing?…

Thursday Dumps: MLU Play of the Week, Vert vs Ho, and a Thursday Throwback Game

by June 26, 2014, 7:13am 0

The AUDL has been nice and put all the tickets for championship weekend on one page to make them easy to purchase. Maybe they’re hoping we’ll overlook the fact that…

Wednesday Dumps: Team Kenya, Ultimate Nation Callahan Winner Edition, and Ocean City Beach Classic

by June 25, 2014, 1:23pm 0

Help send Team Kenya to WCBU! Check out their website and donate to the team. They’re even taking airline miles and hotel points, if you don’t have any money to…

Tuesday Dumps: MeanBrodieSmith, facesofultimate, and WindmillX

by June 24, 2014, 6:14am 0

  There is a new parody Twitter account called MeanBrodieSmith. This can only end in hilarity. Another rookie in the ultimate internet world is facesofultimate, a new blog that posts…

Friday Dumps: MLU Conduct Rules, PoNY Job Opening, and Jersey Reviews

by June 20, 2014, 9:01am 96

With everyone talking about DC having the ability to control who they see in playoffs, did we really think it wouldn’t make it back to big brother? Jeff Snader weighs…

Wednesday Dumps: Ultimate Peace Reflections, International Tournament Survey, and Windchill v. Radicals

by June 18, 2014, 7:08am 0

With the MLU season heading towards playoffs, catch up on where teams stand with John Phillips’ blog post. Been to a cool international tournament lately? Fill this out!  Ultimate Peace…

Tuesday Dumps: Zips Tips, Without Limits, and Roster Depth

by June 17, 2014, 9:12am 0

Are you a Zips Tips fan? They have a new home, and all you need for a new tip is the refresh button. Have you supported Without Limits yet? Check…