Skyd Magazine
September 3, 2013, 2:59am
Ultiworld’s Adam Velk profiles Open division newcomer Michigan High Five. Looks like Montreal, Quebec will be getting an AUDL team next year. Photos from the Pro Flight Finale from CBMT Creative…
Skyd Magazine
September 2, 2013, 1:48am
Pro Flight Finale finals summary: Polar Bears over Chad Larson Experience (Mixed), Riot over Scandal (Women’s), GOAT over Doublewide (Open). Push Pass Productions has released their Video on Demand from…
Skyd Magazine
August 29, 2013, 3:20am
USA Ultimate’s updated rankings are up: Men’s, Women’s and Mixed. Get Horizontal has a roundup of all qualified teams for this year’s European Ultimate Championship Finals. Mixed ultimate, three parties,…
Skyd Magazine
August 28, 2013, 12:46am
Gampfer wants to know how your team chooses captains over at r/ultimate. Pulled Disc releases their 4th Skill Workout of the Week: 25s. This great recruitment idea from Pitt gives…
Skyd Magazine
August 27, 2013, 7:29am
Some nice statistics debate going down in the ultimatesphere lately. Brett Matzuka wrote an article on why holistic team-basted statistics were undervalued. Sean Childers responded with some thoughts on why…
Skyd Magazine
August 26, 2013, 1:55am
Chicago Machine (Open) and Nemesis (Women’s) defend their home turf with wins at Chicago Heavyweights. Meanwhile, in the UK, it was all London domination as Clapham (Open) and Iceni (Women’s)…
Skyd Magazine
August 23, 2013, 4:35am
7 on the Line, a new ultimate podcast, interviews Ultimate Rob. MP3 download here. Ultiworld profiles Marques Brownlee, an ultimate player who’s known for another reason: being one of the most…
Skyd Magazine
August 22, 2013, 12:37am
Ultimate and Chain Lightning’s Mark Poole were the subject of a recent CNN article about ultimate. The embedded video is also worth a watch. Sockeye really knows how to keep…
Skyd Magazine
August 21, 2013, 6:35am
Check out ULTImate, an interesting new Facebook page focused on connecting the international ultimate community. The MLU’s San Francisco Dogfight share their 2013 highlight video. Great news for European mixed teams:…
Skyd Magazine
August 20, 2013, 1:22am
The stockroom of Colombian ultimate clothing manufacturer Zue was broken into and their entire stock of clothing was stolen. They need help tracking down the thieves: if you catch someone…