Player Profile: Devon Anderson

by | May 16, 2011, 1:04pm 0

Devon Anderson, #15, is a senior on the California Santa Cruz Slug. He can usually be spotted behind the disc on the field, but enjoys the cutting aspects of the game.

How were you introduced into Ultimate?

I was introduced to Ultimate when I came to UCSC and playing on the B team my freshman year. I had messed around throwing a disc in high school, but I didn’t know the rules, or have any concept of the intensity or community ultimate has.

What is your sports background, and how did that translate into Ultimate?

Growing up I played soccer and baseball competitively since I was 6, and pick up basketball with my friends starting in high school. I played defensive mid on a highly competitive club soccer team while I was in high school that forced me to learn to survey the field quickly, always adjust my field position and make split second decisions. Playing baseball and working on throwing and hand-eye coordination are also big, so I think the combination of playing baseball and soccer helped me transition smoothly to Ultimate.

What has your career been like with the Slugs so far?

This is my third season playing on the slugs and it has unfortunately been a career riddled with injuries. Most memorably being my first season playing with the slugs where I broke my thumb in our second tournament of the year, tore two ligaments in my ankle in Austin (the next tournament I played in), followed up my a serious concussion (by my own teammate) in Vegas (the next tournament I played in). The ankle has been a persistent problem, but probably more telling is the nickname I earned that season (courtesy of Nick Chapman)- ‘The Glass Cannon’. My fitness has been good this season in part because our coach Daryl Nounan has kept me behind the disc a bit more, but hopefully I will be allowed more time up field where I feel more comfortable during Nationals.

What is life like outside of Ultimate?

I’m an Environmental Studies major writing my senior thesis on a organic alternative to methyl bromide called Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for controlling soil pathogens in strawberry soils which are a huge industry here on the Central Coast. I like climbing, basketball, watching hockey (go sharks) and reading philosophy.

Ultimate after College?

I am currently trying out for Revolver- so if things go well that is my plan for the foreseeable future.

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