NexLeague Moves A Step Closer

by | January 7, 2013, 3:32pm 0

Word from NexGen HQ in Eugene is that 17 of 18 teams have officially confirmed interest in taking the next step toward formation of NexGen’s proposed league. The remaining team will make its decision after a meeting scheduled for tonight. This comes after a delay in the initial proposed deadline of January 1st.

Kevin Minderhout noted that even if the final team commits, there is still much work to be done.

“It’s important to realize that this is only one step of many. A lot of work still needs to be done. When I met with teams I heard a lot of them saying ‘we want to work with USAU’, so we’re going to start there and proceed depending on where that conversation goes.”

Both teams and Minderhout intend on speaking with USAU further.

“I’d like to reiterate that I’m 100% committed to discussing all possible options for cooperation with USAU,” he wrote in an e-mail to team leaders. “I also believe for those discussions to be successful USAU will need to be clear on [its] objectives and specifically state what resources they are willing to commit to achieve those objectives.”

We expect further updates this evening and as talks with USAU begin.

Update 1/8: All 18 teams have officially confirmed interest.

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