Pre-quarters: UNC-Wilmington vs. Colorado

by | May 25, 2013, 9:13pm 0

In this pre-quarter match up, Colorado was the likely victor, despite being seeded just one position above the #9 seed UNC-Wilmington Seamen. Mamabird began the game on offense but quickly went down two breaks due to their apparent carelessness with the disc. From this point forward it seemed as though Colorado was always chasing the Seamen, having to fight for breaks though they were few and far between. UNC-Wilmington maintained their lead and took half, 8-6.   The strongest aspect of play for either side was the consistent, aggressive offense that UNC-Wilmington brought with every point. Led by a strong handling performance from #14 Mark Evans and #10 Luke Hancock, the Seamen were eager to bite off big chucks of yards against the Colorado man-defense and did not hesitate to use big, cross-field throws against a zone. This aggressive tactic seemed to be an intelligent way to utilize the height and athleticism of UNC-Wilmington’s cutters, including #3 Tommy Lamar, #12 Robert Goode, and #31 Zach Gostling. In addition to the team offense the Seamen played, in which nearly every player touched the disc on most points, Evans supplied his team with dangerous break throws that opened up a new lane in which his cutters could be active. This put more on Colorado’s plate than their defense could handle and UNC-Wilmington cruised to a 15-11 victory, earning them a chance to play against Carleton CUT tomorrow morning in the quarterfinals.

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