2011 Preview – Dartmouth College Princess Layout

by | December 8, 2010, 11:00am 0

[stextbox id=”alert” color=”050505″ bcolor=”6cc3f8″ bgcolor=”ffffff” big=”true” image=”null”]School Name: Dartmouth College
Team Name
: Princess Layout
Captains: Anastasia Mark, Jing Jing Zhang
Coaches: Owen Roberts, Dermott McHugh
Year Founded: 1992
Jersey Colors: White and Green
Website: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~playout/
2010 Record: 20-14
Score Reporter


How did your team do last year? What was the highlight of your season?
Last year Princess Layout placed 5th in our region, which was a huge accomplishment after graduating nine ‘09s and having only a single ‘10 play any points at all at Regionals.  We’re really psyched to build on that accomplishment and push Dartmouth to once again be a nationals contender, as we have been for most of recent history.

Who is your favorite team to play against?
The Northeast is such a small place we get to form pretty close relationships with a fair number of teams.  We always enjoy playing Williams, Amherst, Wellesley, Brown, Middlebury and Tufts to name a few –  the whole region is full of great teams. Our game against Yale at Regionals last year, which was the eliminating game for either team, was one of the best games I’ve played with Dartmouth Ultimate.  Both teams were fighting to stay alive, there were hard fought zone points, bids throughout the game and many highlight reel worthy plays.  As I remember, Dartmouth was down 3 or 4 points at the beginning but managed to tie at 6’s and go to half losing 7-6.  They bested us in the second half, but playing as a team without seniors – we were excited with our 5th place finish and had enjoyed playing Yale so much we were happy to see them continue on.  It was a very spirited game, which is always great to see when the stakes are so high.

Tell us about your coaches and captains.
Our coaches this year are Owen Roberts ’09 and Dermot McHuch ’09, both of whom captained the men’s team (Pain Train) their senior year.  They’re both relatively new to the women’s game, but they bring tons of college and club experience to the table.  We’re hoping to reshape Princess Layout with them and to take full advantage of our seasoned roster.

How does Princess Layout bring new players up to speed on ultimate?
At practices, we try to have drills that get really close to mimicking real game situations – timing drills for cuts, having pretend stacks for defense drills, etc.  But more importantly we really try to go to as many tournaments as possible and bring as many freshman as we can, the real game experience and repetition a tournament brings is really irreplaceable.

Are there players on your team who deserve consideration for Freshman of the Year? Tell me about them.
We were lucky enough to have Emily Eisner, a high school handler show up at our practices this fall – she’s definitely a solid candidate for freshman of the year in the region, and we even pressured her into taking the recently vacated #1 jersey so she’ll be super recognizable!!

It’s easy to see when someone throws a huge huck or gets a layout D. Who’s a player you have to watch more carefully to see how valuable she is to your team?
Julia Liedel ’11 (#7) and Hannah Baranes ’12 (#2) are both incredibly solid all around players.  They both handle and have great, consistent throws, make great decisions, and can both get dirty on defense.

What song would you pick for the soundtrack to your team’s 2011 highlight video?
Probably some strange mash up of “I Want it that Way” by the Backstreet Boys, “Drop the World” by Lil Wayne and “Airplanes” by B.o.B. It’d be epic.

Princess Layout 2009

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