Send It Back: Nov 2010

by | December 2, 2010, 8:00am 0

    Photo by Kevin Leclaire -

  • Editor in Chief Elliot Trotter introduces Skyd Magazine (link)

  • Skyd Profiles Wisconsin Bella baller Alison Ellis (link)
  • Video interview with Ulimate Change’s Danny Karlinsky on year one (link)
  • Interview with Leaguevine Creator Mark Liu (link)
  • Rivals: Carleton CUT/Wisconsin Hodags (link)
  • What’s The Matter With UW? – A Skyd Magazine Investigative Report (link)
  • Paul Illian’s How to Build a Championship Ultimate Team – Part 1 (link)
  • Ultimate Design: An Interview with Jeremiah Boncha (link)
  • Interview with New USAU At-Large Board Member Colin McIntyre (link)
  • The Five Most Athletic Ultimate Plays Caught on Video (link) (Most Popular)

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