2011 Preview – University of Minnesota Grey Duck

by | January 6, 2011, 9:00am 0

[stextbox id=”alert” color=”050505″ bcolor=”6cc3f8″ bgcolor=”ffffff” big=”true” image=”null”]School Name: University of Minnesota
Team Name: Grey Duck
Captains: Austin Juds, Dan Hoff, Stephan Mance
Coaches: Charlie Reznikoff, Chris York
Colors: Red
Website: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~ultimate/index.php
Score Reporter

Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get involved with Ultimate at Minnesota?

Austin Juds: I knew someone (Justin Gilbert) who was on Grey Duck my senior year of high school and he invited me to play with their summer team and then I tried out in the fall and made Grey Duck.

How did your team do last year? What was the highlight of your season?

Austin: We finished tied 5th at Nationals. The highlight of the year was beating Georgie in pre-quarters at nationals and advancing to quarterfinals. Our only other time making Nationals we finished tied for 13th.

Photos Courtesy Perry Nacionales ©2010 (www.mapgeek.com)

Who is your favorite team to play against?

Austin: Cut and the Hodags are our favorite teams to play, because it is a rivalry. Last year at Regionals we were able to beat Wisconson in semis and again in the backdoor game for 2nd place in the region. It was great because it’s the first time we have beat the Hodags since I joined grey duck.

Tell us about your coaches. What do they bring to your team?

Austin: Our coaches are Charlie Reznikoff and Chris York and they are very important to Grey Ducks success. They have alot of experience between them and they both currently play for Surly in the masters division. They help with strategies, game planning, and help run practices. They are always teaching people on the team and since they have been part of the program it has gotten better year after year. I can’t speak for everyone on the team but I know I would not be nearly the player I am today without the help of these two coaches.

Are there players on your team who deserve consideration for USAU accolades?

Austin: Dan Hoff, Stephan Mance, and Danny Miesen all are very important players and have the ability to make all region. All three of them were on Sub Zero during the club series.

Photos Courtesy Perry Nacionales ©2010 (www.mapgeek.com)

What players are most likely to make a huge plays for Grey Duck?

Austin: Chris Demet and Danny Miesen can make almost any throw you ask them to. They are both very experienced and can always be trusted to make the big throw. As receivers go, Dan Hoff is one of the best I have ever played with. He always comes down with ridiculous catches and had some amazing downfield grabs to help finish of Georgia in prequarters last year at nationals. On defense Greg Arenson always comes up with a big play on D either by laying out or skying the opposing team team.

It’s easy to see when someone throws a huge huck or gets a layout D. Who’s a player you have to watch more carefully to see how valuable they are to your team?

Austin: Matt Marinello isn’t the flashiest player on the field, but he continuously shuts his guy down. He always guards one of the other team’s top cutters and takes them out of the game.

What has your team been doing this fall to prepare for the spring season?

Austin: As a team we practice 3 times a week and also have a mandatory track practice each week. On top of that most players do team lifting twice a week.

What do you think about the USA Ultimate College restructuring?

Austin: It doesn’t really matter to us, we just want to go out there and win games. It is a little disappointing though because we have built a rivalry with Wisconsin and now they aren’t in our region anymore.

Which team has the best shot at winning the 2011 USA Ultimate College Championships?

Austin: Minnesota Grey Duck

Photos Courtesy Perry Nacionales ©2010 (www.mapgeek.com)

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