Uni-Watch, Jersey Jumble 1

by | January 25, 2011, 2:23pm 0

If you’re like me, you get into conversations about Ultimate jerseys all the time. It’s safe to say, no one is like me. Regardless, I will be posting Jerseys that I haven’t seen before every week that I go to a tournament. If you have a sweet jersey, send it to me!

Oh, and I liked all the jerseys . Any comments are attempts at humor.

Without further ado…

Clemson Joint Chiefs

Gonna smoke you out

The Chief is blowing smoke into "Clemson"

Verdict: 5 Mary Jane fans just joined the Clemson team

Alabama Crimson Tide

Simple, Refined, Bama 

Verdict: Fabulous, especially with the argyle

ECU Irates

Sad (P)Irate

Verdict: Al Davis just called, new Raiders logo coming

College of Charleston Bums

College of Charleston: New Level for Street Fighter 2011

Verdict: 3.5 Hadoukens

FSU Demented Ultimate Freaks (DUF)

A team using offical school colors!?!?

Arrow head shorts, continues up the side with white jersey

Verdict: Bobby Bowden was seen roaming the sidelines

William and Mary

The colors duke, the colors

Verdict: Japanese will be using this for their newest Ultimate Frisbee anime, “William and Mary backbreaks FSU for touchscore as game is caps”

Emory Juice

Emory climbs orange trees for practice and breakfast for tournaments

Played had to attend hospital after getting stabbed with a straw

Verdict: When did oranges get Sesame seeds? What the fuck is a Sesame?

Joint Summit 2010 Jersey

$5? I'll buy 20 and get my team jerseys

Verdict:  Next years Joint Summit to be on Halloween

I haven’t got a picture yet, but this year Savages jerseys were SICK! Sublimation done on site, will get a picture soon.

And seriously, if you have a jersey I missed, send me a picture.

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