[stextbox id=”alert” color=”050505″ bcolor=”6cc3f8″ bgcolor=”ffffff” big=”true” image=”null”]School Name: Gustavus Adolphus College
Team Name: Outskirtz
Captains: Alyssa Graham, Bonnie Hilmoe, Amy Loreen
Year Founded: c.1999
Jersey Colors: Black and Orange
Website: http://orgs.gustavus.edu/womens_ultimate/
Score Reporter[/stextbox]
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get involved with Ultimate at Gustavus?
Bonnie Hilmoe, Junior: When I entered college, I was looking for an athletic activity to get involved with. I had dabbled in Frisbee in the past but had never really played. I went to a couple practices and instantly fell in love with the sport. I couldn’t get enough of it. I would toss during the morning breaks between classes, at practice in the afternoon, then after dinner.
Who is your favorite team to play against?
Elaine Mikel, Sophomore: The Monas from Winona. They have such a love for Ultimate and have a beautiful spirit of the game in that they aren’t playing to just womp on competition, but instead encourage the other teams to learn more about the game and also have fun while playing.
Tell us about your captains. What do they bring to your team?
Elaine: Our captains aren’t only strong leaders, but humble learners as well. They don’t place themselves in a position of hierarchy, but instead in a position that leaves them to learn about the game with everyone else who is growing as an ulti-player. They have an amazing ability to focus on each players strengths and weaknesses and pay attention to how they can work with that player to better themselves. They bring energy and encouragement to play Ultimate as a team and family instead of as an individual.
Anna Nelson, Freshman: I’d say the captains bring “friendly authority”. They definitely know what they are doing, but present it in a manner that puts them on the same level as all the other players, as to not demean anybody’s skill level or ability. They’re also pretty funny…
What player is most likely to make a huge play as a thrower? As a receiver? On D?
Elaine: Bonnie Hilmoe-thrower, Amy Loreen/Caitlin Robb-reciever, Joyclyn Diep-D
Bonnie: If you want to see a layout, keep an eye on Greta Gray. She isn’t afraid to get dirty. Rain or shine, she will sacrifice her body for a sick D or a catch. Grace Balfanz also has huge hucks and is a valuable handler. Alyssa Graham is always there to receive the disc, utilizing the open space on the field.
Who’s a player you have to watch more carefully to see how valuable they are to yourteam?
Elaine: Caitlin Robb is always a loyal cutter; she never gets lazy.
How does Outskirtz bring new players up to speed on Ultimate?
Elaine: We show them how essential they are to the team, and are patient through all their mistakes.
Anna: Basically just throw them in a game or drill and make them learn by doing. Some explanation is, of course, required, but Ultimate is sometimes best/easiest learned by force.
Without giving too much away, what does your team like to do on offense and on defense?
Elaine: We like to first examine the team that we are playing and then distinguish what we are going to play according to that.
Has your team set any goals for this season? What are they?
Elaine: We make new goals every game! Goals are always being met, made, and thought about throughout every single game!
What does your team do to get pumped up for a big game?
Elaine: It really depends on the player. We love each other and really respect and encourage one another. We hold each other accountable because we know everyone has the ability to do amazing things on the field.

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