- Ultimate Rob has some fantastic advice for developing players. A recommended read that has good advice even beyond Ultimate.
- Wisconsin Hodag’s coach Hector Vildavia checks in on what to expect from baby blue this season. The Hodags sound young but determined.
- The Nutty Huck college women’s tournament will take place in Elon, NC on April 2-3. It will be USAU sanctioned. Send bids to send bids to elonwomensultimate@gmail.com.
- Ultimate raps keep popping out of the woodwork. Here’s another one from Zaylien, a University of South Florida native. Word on reddit, is that the creator of this song, Austin, was recently in a bad car accident. Support him with a listen. Lemme see ya, dump-swing.
- If there’s one thing I learned from watching Hard Ticket to Hawaii it was not to take a radioactive snake on a helicopter and that discs can kill. The following clip is for serious throwers only. Thanks to CJ M. for sharing.
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