Showcase Games Wrap-up

by | March 19, 2011, 3:59am 0

Couple late night thoughts…

Mamabird's new jerseys

  • Christian Foster is huge for Carleton.
  • Grant Lindsley is hucking the disc for Carleton a whole lot.
  • Jack McShane was Colorado’s best player today. He’s big for them because he has steady hands, makes good decisions, and generally just keeps the offense running smoothly. That really showed in the wind.
  • Iowa didn’t do a great job of adjusting to the fact that two players (George Stubbs and Adam Fagin) were doing 80% of the damage against them.
  • Those two faces are very recognizable for Harvard, but they’ve got a bunch of guys that are either good at finding the endzone and catching their throws or good at being open as their re-sets.
  • Harvard looks noticeably better than the team I saw at Warm Up (which I’m sure everyone who was at Stanford already knows), and they don’t even have Andrew Vogt back yet. That’s pretty big…

Stay tuned to, @87til, and @collegeeasterns for more tomorrow!

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