Thursday Dumps – Sockeye, Leaguevine Mobile, and Top 20 Rankings

by | March 17, 2011, 5:00am 0

  • With Centex, Easterns Open, and Steakfest coming up this weekend, be sure to get the new Leaguevine mobile app linked up so you can share your opinions on what you ate for breakfast, and who has the best hair in Ultimate. Scores for games are also acceptable.
  • We are seeking College Coaches and Captains to vote for their Top 20 college teams in Open and Women’s divisions. If you want to be involved, send an email to with the title “Rankings” and a quick blurb about where you go to school/coach and your involvement in College Ultimate. 2-3 sentences should suffice. Voting begins Monday March 21st, so get them emails in ASAP.

We leave you with a daily dose of alternate disc games: Mountain Bike Ultimate and what I can only describe as Frisbee Soccer.

Flying Disc in Pakistan (4-2) from ROSHANi ORG on Vimeo.

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