Tuesday Dumps – USAU Roster Deadline…Fury Tryouts…Steel City Classic…

by | March 29, 2011, 5:00am 0

  • USAU College Season Roster Deadline is today (3/29) at 5 PM Mountain Time.
  • Skyd writer Melissa Witmer is gearing up for the club season.  Check out her training log for in depth descriptions on the costs and benefits of movement vs. motor skill training.
  • Fury will be holding open tryouts on April 23 at Roble Field, Stanford.  Email Slap at tryouts@furyultimate.com if you are interested.
  • Here is CBS’s highlight video from 2008 Nationals in Boulder, complete with Saosin soundtrack!  We can probably expect another one of these gems after 2011 now that CBS has agreed to cover open and women’s semis at D1.

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