This conference tournament will feature Oregon, UBC, and Washington. Think about that for a moment, this D-I conference tournament has both Oregon and UBC, schools that are 7.5 hours apart by car. The only team that will contend at regionals that won’t be in attendance is Whitman, who will be attending D-III Conferences.
While Washington had a strong early season, this conference really comes down the the Oregon vs. UBC matchup. The Ducks and T-birds have squared off once this season back in early March, with UBC wining a shortened game on double game point 10-9. Will both teams come out full blast this weekend, or will they hold something back for regionals? I know if I’m the coach of either team I’m sending my starting O out there, but I’m keeping some D tricks up my sleeve for regionals. What do you guys think? Follow up question, with four bids to Nationals out of the Northwest, do the top teams in the region even go all out at Regionals?
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