Five Ultimate Rebranding

by | April 1, 2011, 12:00am 0

Stalling Four, Five… Six Ultimate?

Titcomb siblings – Founders and owners of Six Ultimate

In a bold move today, Five Ultimate brought in a new business partner to the company. This inclusion of a new executive also brought on a new name, Six Ultimate.

Six Ultimate's new look

Lucas Murphy, long time acquaintance and occasional employee of Five Ultimate and the founding Titcomb family, was named VP of Marketing, Friendship, and Air Guitar Solos late Wednesday evening.

Six Ultimate will be focusing their efforts on redefining their image over the next few months. Company co founder and CFO Vehro Titcomb stated, “We just want our excellent customers to know that they’ll still be receiving the same great products and service with Six Ultimate as they were with Five Ultimate. Now it will just be with a better, higher number.”

“Maybe one day,” Vehro continued, “We’ll even turn this company all the way up to eleven.”

Lucas Murphy could not be reached for comments as he was to busy staring at his reflection in a mirror while pretending to play a Gibson Custom EDS-1275 Double Neck.

Lucas Murphy - The new VP of Awesome at Six Ultimate

Note: Murphy does not know how to play the guitar.

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