20 Days of Nationals: Day 2 – Luther

by | May 12, 2011, 10:12am 0

The team of the day is Luther, LUFDA (Luther Ultimate Flying Disc Association), out in Decorah, Iowa who took the 4th bid from the North Central region. It’s a small school, comprised only of 2,500 students. Zack Smith has taken over the duties, writing up a combined history and road to nationals piece.  Zack has just finished up his last college tournament for Buffalo, finishing tied for 7th in the Metro East region. He’s written some articles before for No Look Scoober and will continue to help me throughout this 20 days of Nationals. We’ll also have some photos and videos up on this page for viewing pleasure as the day progresses. Look for a piece on Illinois tomorrow!

Luther: Then and Now, The Road to Boulder

Eric Johnson Athlete Benchmark

Player Profiles

Also, check out this short video of LUFDA earning the fourth bid to Nationals in a win over Minnesota Grey Duck. The video shows the last three points of the game:

Luther LUFDA vs. Minnesota Grey Duck






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