Stanford: The Original Title Town

by | May 17, 2011, 8:52pm 0

Stanford Bloodthirsty was the original UPA champion back in 1984 with a win over Glassboro. Since then, Bloodthirsty has now qualified 19 times out of 27 possible. Since their first championship they have made the finals in 86′, 89′, 94′, 97′, 98′, and winning it in 2002. That 2002 team, may be considered one of the best College Ultimate teams, had it’s own nickname “The Faceless Army”.  Since then, Stanford when on a run from 2004 to 2009  by making the semifinals 5 out of the 6 years.

The 2009 team was led by Tom James, who played club with Revolver in 2009. James was considered one of the best players in College Ultimate, and grad student additions like former Illinois Captain David Abram, Washington University Captain Alex Drlica-Wagner, and Rutgers Captain Ariel Jackson. made Bloodthirsty dominant  Stanford won it’s pool, beating 2 seed Virginia 15-11. After beating Wisconsin in quarterfinals, Stanford lost to the eventual champions Carleton.

In 2010, Stanford had it’s streak of nationals appearances broken. Losing 11 of their starters was too much for Bloodthirsty to make a run through the gauntlet of the Northwest. After finishing 2nd in pool play, a loss to UC Davis in the second place bracket ended their season for good. With a young team gaining experience and a new Region, Stanford is once again back at Nationals by taking the 2nd bid to Boulder.


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