
by | June 10, 2011, 5:05pm 0

It’s been a little bit, but the wheels are starting to turn. For now, I want to keep tabs on what’s going on around the country…

  • There are a few spectator-oriented events coming up that look really exciting. I’m working on writing a couple things for Kevin Minderhout’s NexGen Tour, and I’m hoping to catch the Vancouver game against Furious on top of the DC date against Truck Stop. Just before that, The Big Muckamuck is going down at Potlatch. MLU at Potlatch 2006 was the first big event that really hooked me on ultimate, so I love stuff like this. I’m really looking forward to both.
  • Chain Lightning, GOAT, Revolver, Sub Zero, and Truck Stop have all posted their 2011 rosters. It’s cool that teams are getting this info out earlier than they did last year. Also, it’s fun to see some of the names that popped up frequently this year on Inside Breaks turning up on these club teams.
  • USA Ultimate posted a few of the interviews that I did from the fields in Boulder. Hearing and watching yourself on camera is awkward. Also check out Anna Nazarov’s interviews from the Women’s side. They’re all mixed in their together.
  • Meredith Tosta stepped down from her position as USAU’s Director of Education and Training today. This is pertinent to Inside Breaks because Meredith has worked with pretty much all of the Junior Worlds players that have gotten press here, but more importantly, it’s a big loss for the ultimate community because of how much youth ultimate has grown with her at the helm.

What else is up these days? Sorry we haven’t gone back and responded to all of the really great comments. I’d like to do a better job of that. For now, though, I think the conversation is moving forward quite well without us.

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