Introducing Maya Ziv

by | September 16, 2011, 2:59pm 0

I’d like to introduce the newest member of the No Look Scoober team, Maya Ziv. Currently a player for On the Rocks out of San Diego, Maya has brought an intense passion into writing in a short time. She will be covering Club Mixed through the rest of the 2011 Club Season, and then hopefully will join us in future endeavors.  Check out her bio below.


Maya Ziv

Written by the illustrious Mr. Stephen “Pumba” Hubbard

Ambitious? You bet.

Maya plays, tweets, blogs, and daydreams about Ultimate in San Diego, CA where she is a PR associate for biotech firms (No comment on how much biotech-PR time actually gets spent of aforementioned daydreaming). A recent graduate of UCLA and its ever-growing Ultimate program, she has found a home in the competitive Mixed scene and is determined to increase the coverage and fan base for the sport she loves. Hear more of what she has to say at @EhmZiv and


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