Double Helix #2: 2012 College Women’s Preview

by | January 23, 2012, 10:57am 0

Welcome to a new year with coverage of the Women’s division like you’ve never seen it before. It is our goal to bring you the best and most up-to-date news, with insight and analysis. Listen in to hear our Skyd College Women’s Team discuss what we saw at tournaments, who the up and coming players are, the top teams in the nation, bid allocations, and more. Also, we’ll try to bring you interviews with key players in the Women’s scene who YOU want to hear from.

I want to quickly introduce two key people that will be huge voices you’ll hear this season: Robyn Fennig and Matt Davidman. The three of us are all excited to provide you with the best coverage possible, starting with the recent writeups of regional previews. You’ll hear us all throughout the seasons at tournaments like Queen City Tuneup, Centex, and Stanford Invite, and on frequent SkydCasts posted right here.

Sonoma State's Maggie Ruden - Photo by Anna Nazarov

This first SkydCast reviews what we can look forward to seeing from each region this season, and an interview with Sonoma State D’Vine Captain Maggie Ruden, giving us her take on her team’s shot at Nationals and the powerhouse Southwest Region. We’ve split it up into two parts for your listening ease, and you can see an outline of how we broke each part down below.

Do you have a great idea for a team we should check out more? Know someone who would be great for an interview? Make sure to post in the comments, or email me at

Part 1:

  1. Southwest
  2. Northwest
  3. North Central
  4. Great Lakes
  5. Interview with Maggie Ruden

Part 2:

  1. Ohio Valley
  2. South Central
  3. Southeast
  4. Atlantic Coast
  5. Metro East
  6. New England
  7. Bid Watch

Feature photo by Andrew Davis

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