Heating Up #3: Joe Kershner, Johnny Bravo

by | February 17, 2012, 4:00am 0

Photo by Matt Lane

Four years ago in the Nevada Desert, the Ultimate community was Lin-sane for Joe Kershner and the University of Arizona.  A layout game winner over Kurt Gibson on DGP was just the beginning and before the RSDust could settle, Sunburn was squaring off against the defending national champions in the finals.  They may not have won it all that weekend, but the fuse was lit and the powder keg finally blew when Lop was named the 2008 Callahan MVP.  We haven’t heard much from Kershner since that afternoon in mid-May, but he finally came up for air last year with Boulder’s Johnny Bravo and Match Diesel caught up with him to hear his story.  We’re heating up and someone just hit a 3…

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The famous Kershner bid at Trouble in Vegas '08

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