Women’s Double Helix #3: Pres Day, Easterns, Hellfish, Stanford Preview

by | March 2, 2012, 1:00am 0

This episode of Double Helix contains recaps of Presidents Day Invite, College Easterns, Hellfish Bonanza and previews for Midwest Throwdown and the Stanford Invite and a brief regional strength talk at the end.

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Chapter Points

0:00:32 Pres Day Recap
0:01:42 Rankings recap
0:04:00 College Easterns Recap
0:04:55 Hellfish Bonanza
0:05:20 Freestate Classic
0:06:05 Stanford Preview
0:12:10 Midwest Throwdown Preview
0:13:25 Trouble In Vegas
0:14:15 Bid Watch
0:16:30 Conclusion

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