Tournament Central: 2012 US Open

by | July 4, 2012, 8:25pm 0

Join Skyd as we bring you coverage of the inaugural US Open in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The tournament and conference kicks off Thursday, July 5 and will run through Sunday, July 8th. A number of top Mixed, Open, and Women’s teams are in attendance, and familiar Skyd faces will be playing and watching all weekend. Look to Tournament Central for links to scores, relevant Twitter accounts, and articles about the tournament!

US Open Headlines

Tournament and Conference Information


Score Reporter


Women’s: Aerosoul, Molly Brown, Ozone, Phoenix, Riot, Safari, Scandal, Showdown

Mixed: Drag’N Thrust, Euphoria, Overhaul, Polar Bears

Open: Chain Lightning, Doublewide, GOAT, Inception, Johnny Bravo, Kie, Ring of Fire, Truck Stop


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