RISE UP Ultimate: Launch

by | November 12, 2012, 5:00am 0

It is rare to have the opportunity to introduce not one but two amazing resources to the ultimate community. In October of 2010 it was Skyd Magazine. Today, with Mario O’Brien and Andy Lovseth, I am both honored and proud to announce the release of RISE UP Ultimate Season 1, presented by Spin Ultimate. RISE UP will be an incredible resource for the ultimate community and will make teams and players better for years to come. With Mario O’Brien at the helm, together with Coach Ben Wiggins, we’ve put the very best information available together in the clearest possible format. For Mario, Andy and me, one of the best parts about this release is that this is a resource that you wanted and you built. You built this by helping us raise nearly $18,000 for the production of our first two seasons in an Indiegogo campaign. You built this by volunteering to be a part of our summer video shoots and by sending in hundreds of messages of support and admiration for the product we’re putting out.

As of today, November 12, 2012, subscriptions for Season 1: Handler Offense, are available for purchase. Below, I’m pleased to share with you the complete Episode 1: The Dump-Swing. This is the sum of our hard work to create something to better our sport and community and your tremendous support. Enjoy. Learn. Practice. Take over the game.

If you have specific questions check out our FAQ page, or feel free to contact us at info@riseupultimate.com or via Facebook.

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