Friday Dumps: Tom’s Tourney, Mouth Guards, UltimateDiscStore

by | January 11, 2013, 1:36pm 0

  • Do you remember Tom’s Tourney 2012? Check out this promo spot for one of Europe’s largest grass tournaments in Brussels, Belgium. Registration for the 2013 version is still open for one more day.
  • UltimateDiscStore has announced a free disc promotion for all of their Facebook followers if they get 10,000 likes on Facebook. Although shipping costs are $4.51, it’s still a great way to get a cheap disc.

What would the recent USA Club Championships Open Final between San Francisco Revolver and Austin Doublewide look like if you wound the clock back 6 years? We dipped way back in the archives to find this clip from the 2006 UPA College Championships, featuring a Revolver-heavy Stanford team (Josh Wiseman, Tom James, Robbie Cahill, Mark Sherwood, Jon Levy) in a semifinal matchup against a Florida squad packed with future Doublewide players (Kurt and Chris Gibson, Tim Gehret, Cole Sullivan, Brodie Smith, and even DW coach Cyle van Auken):

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