Friday Dumps: Easterns, PAUCC, Worlds

by | March 22, 2013, 6:15pm 0

  • Not fortunate enough to make it out to Willmington, NC this weekend for Easterns? You don’t have to miss out! You can still watch select games from Saturday and Sunday on the NexGen Network.
  • WFDF announced today that the 2013 Pan-American Ultimate Club Championships will join the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, hosting the event in Sao Paolo, Brazil.
  • 35 men and women were invited to the 2013 World Games West Coast tryout in San Francisco, CA. Eric Brach makes the rest of the us feel like one of them with his exclusive, insider coverage for USA Ultimate.

One of the players fortunate enough to be invited to the Worlds tryout in San Fran gets up big over three players from the infamous Japanese Club team Buzz Bullets. He is also nominated as one of the Skyd Five for the Callahan Award. Ladies and gentlemen, Jimmy Mickle.




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