Wednesday Dumps: World Games Results, Al Nichols, Disc Flugtag

by | July 31, 2013, 3:00am 0

  • Gold for the United States, Silver for Australia, and Bronze for Canada at the World Games 2013.  #llenandobúffer and #wfdfneedsobservers etched in the minds of twitterers everywhere.
  • The 2013 USA Ultimate DI College Championships have been nominated for the “Best Single-Sport Event” at the SportsTravel Awards. If you agree, you can vote here.
  • Long-time Furious George player Al “Bob” Nichols isn’t a big name outside of Canada, but maybe he should be. The Furious George blog chronicles three “beast performances” from Nichols, including his takeover of the 2005 UPA Championship Game at the age of 42.

Huck It, a Skyd-sponsored project to enter a giant disc into the Red Bull Flugtag, has been accepted into the competition. Now the hard work starts. Support the team at

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