Wednesday Dumps: Expected Contribution, YCC Plays, Kung Fu Throwing

by | August 14, 2013, 1:37am 0

  • This may be the most impressive article written about ultimate statistics in the history of the sport. Ultiworld’s stats team is killing it with their new Expected Contribution metric.
  • Tanner Gardner of North Carolina’s Triforce gets a layout Greatest at the Youth Club Championships.
  • Highlights from the Kevin Minderhout r/ultimate AMA: 2014 NexGen Tour not happening, most NexGen coverage loses money or breaks even, Women’s tour is a good idea but someone needs to step up and run it. Check it out here.
  • An important reminder from UltiPhotos’ Christina Schmidt about supporting photographers. These lads and ladies work hard to get some sweet shots of you playing, chip in some funds and get the official download.

Lou Burruss’ Kung Fu Throwing finally gets the video walkthrough it deserves over at Ultimate Rob. Sounds like he’s got a Zen Throwing walkthrough in the works as well:

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