Wednesday Dumps: Youth Coaching Conference, F.U.T.U.R.E 1.0, Buzz Bullets vs. Loquitos

by | November 20, 2013, 4:22am 0

  • On February 1, 2014, the Bay Area Disc Association will be hosting the first annual Youth Ultimate Coaching Conference, with some great speakers lined up: Maggie Ruden, Beau Kittredge, Matty Tsang, Mike Payne, Miranda Roth Knowles, John Sandahl, William Bartram and Ben Wiggins.
  • If you’ve heard the rumors about this year’s Canadian Ultimate Championships party, now see it on video. HUGE BALL PIT.
  • Interested in helping Skyd out with our women’s college coverage this year and getting stipends and free flights to tournaments? Get in touch:

Buzz Bullets take on Loquitos in the finals of the 2013 All-Japan Ultimate Championships:

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