YUCC 2014: Ben Wiggins – Footwork Across Levels
by | February 20, 2014, 6:33am 0
Movement and body control can be deliberately practiced at all levels of play. Ben examines a few movement patterns and how they can be explicitly taught for game-useful movement by both the clumsiest and the most agile ultimate players. The goal is to analyze what aspects of changing movement patterns are useful for increasing physical skills in a way that will apply to your players’ arcs of improvement.
Ben Wiggins
Ben was the featured coach for RISE UP Ultimate Season’s 1, 2, 3 and 5. He most recently coached the Seattle Riot and the Seattle Rainmakers after a playing career with the University of Oregon and Seattle Sockeye. Nearly half of the current Riot and Sockeye rosters have played for Coach Wiggins, many with the Seattle MoHo youth training program.
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