Wednesday Dumps: Dominique Fontenette, 2008 Club Champs and Cincinnati Revolution Challenge

by | August 20, 2014, 9:30am 0

  • Pre-WUCC’s, Get Horizontal interviewed Seattle Riot’s Dominique Fontenette. Find it here.
  • Great news piece about ultimate teaching students diversity and leadership in the Michigan area. Check it out! 
  • Happy Wednesday means sporcle time! Someday, sporcle will verify ultimate quizzes so they can be embedded. For now, just click here, and go  celebrate Throwback Thursday early by listing all of the 2008 Club nationals teams.

The Cincinnati Revolution took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and passed it on to the Madison Radicals and the AUDL Commissioner. Our favorite rule modification: Donate $100, or take the ice and donate $10. Impressive pour, Cincinnati! You’re up:

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