Player Profile: Ezra Siegel

by | May 24, 2011, 8:46am 0

Ezra Siegel is one of the captains and the most senior handler on Colorado College’s offensive line.  Siegel cut his teeth on Ultimate at Milton Academy, placing 9th at High School Easterns his junior year. His leadership and throws will be instrumental in any win Wasabi gets in Boulder.

Ezra Siegel Handling, Courtesy of Conor Crowle

What was your introduction to Ultimate?

My introduction to Ultimate began at summer camp when I was 12 years old. It wasn’t very serious, but it was the first place I began to learn about all the different throws. I started playing competitively in High School at Milton Academy, which is outside Boston. To this day I learned the most about the game my Freshman year from my senior captain.  It wasn’t a very strong program but I was part of the team that took 9th at Easterns my Junior year. From there I continued to play as soon as I arrived on campus at Colorado College.
What is your sports background and how did those skills translate into Ultimate?

I played Soccer my whole life before Frisbee.  I think the biggest connection for me between the two sports was field vision.

What has your career at CC been like?

Ezra Siegel catches a disc against Mama Bird, Courtesy of Josh Anderson

It has been amazing.  As freshman I came in and was a starting handler on the O-line.  The team had a lot of talent but little organization. I was abroad all last year but I knew that we were going to be a really good team when I got back.  This year was our chance to make Nationals and we did it.  Its always been the other players on the team who inspire me to play better and work harder.

There has never really been downsides or down times when playing with Wasabi.  In my experience Wasabi has never dropped seed in a tournament once. The team is an extremely strong cohesive unit and while we play hard we are also all about having fun.  I love the CC parties and the classic introduction to the team by drinking a disc. No matter what is going on the team is down to get together and party whether it is on a school night or the night before our last game of the tournament.  When I was a freshman I was always taught to win the tournament and win the party. We always win at least one, if not two.

What do you do outside of Ultimate?

Outside Ultimate I am a History Major, though I am not going to do anything with it. Hobbies would have to be my motorcycle, reading, and travel.

What is your plan with ultimate for after college?

After college I don’t know where I will be, but I will always have a disc with me. If I am in a place long enough I will definitely be looking to play high level ultimate.



What was your introduction to Ultimate?


My introduction to Ultimate began at summer camp when I was 12 years old. It wasn’t very serious, but it was the first place I began to learn about all the different throws. I started playing competitively in Highschool at Milton Academy, which is outside Boston. To this day I learned the most about the game my Freshman year from my senior captain. It wasn’t a very strong program but I was part of the team that took 9th at Easterns my Junior year. From there I continued to play as soon as I arrived on campus at Colorado College.

What is your sports background and how did those skills translate into Ultimate?

I played Soccer my whole life before Frisbee. I think the biggest connection for me between the two sports was field vision.

What has your career at CC been like? Ups downs, inspirations, parties

It has been amazing. As freshman I came in and was a starting handler on the O-line. The team had a lot of talent but little organization. I was abroad all last year but I knew that we were going to be a really good team when I got back. This year was our chance to make Nationals and we did it. Its always been the other players on the team who inspire me to play better and work harder.

There has never really been downsides or down times when playing with Wasabi. In my experience Wasabi has never dropped seed in a tournament once. The team is an extremely strong cohesive unit and while we play hard we are also all about having fun. I love the CC parties and the classic introduction to the team by drinking a disc. No matter what is going on the team is down to get together and party whether it is on a school night or the night before our last game of the tournament. When I was a freshman I was always taught to win the tournament and win the party. We always win at least one, if not two.

What do you do outside of Ultimate, Major? Hobbies? Etc.

Outside Ultimate I am a History Major, though I am not going to do anything with it. Hobbies would have to be my motorcycle, reading, and travel.

What is your plan with ultimate for after college?

After college I don’t know where I will be, but I will always have a disc with me. If I am in a place long enough I will definitely be looking to play high level ultimate.

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