At this weekend’s SoCal Open Sectionals, the Condors, Sprawl, and Streetgang face some interesting questions. The tournament is being held in Arizona, and the weather is going to be HOT. The top three teams in the section are all ranked in the top 25, and the winner of the section will be either the 2 or 3 seed going into Southwest Regionals. Because Revolver looms large as the regional favorite, avoiding the 4 seed and its likely semifinal matchup against the defending champs will be an advantage in this 2 bid region. So here’s the question: do teams show everything they have at Sectionals?
I ran these thoughts by Will “Bill” Griffin, the current captain of Streetgang. Griffin’s immediate reaction was, “well, it’s a balance.” While the Gang is knows seeding is important going into Regionals, they also know it’s not totally in their control. Griffin said Streetgang wants to “be playing our best ultimate right now, which means [competing] for the sectional title.” At the same time, they realize the risk Arizona presents, Griffin called the tournament weather in Arizona “brutal.”
Given the early success of the Arizona based college teams at this years SW college open regionals, don’t be surprised if this weekend’s results seem out of whack. Regardless, these next two tournaments should be a cagy battle for the SoCal section teams.
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